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«Wasserzeichen» concerts

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«Wasserzeichen» concerts

Domenic Janett

The music at the open-air concerts performed on a raft on Lake Sils is heightened by the stunning setting. Here, on the Chastè peninsula, the music does not need any amplifiers or special effects. It is a treat for your ears and your soul.

With views of Lake Sils

«It is somewhat unusual to play on a raft», says violinist Madlaina Janett. «But it is also an honour.» Just as original as the location are the ensembles who perform on the concert stage with views of Lake Sils. Tonight's concert is performed by folk music group «Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin» on clarinet, bass, cello, viola and violin. They are all related. But how? Before «Ils Fränzlis» reveal this secret, they seduce their audience: with a virtuoso reinterpretation of old folk music, intertwining Italian, Viennese, Yenish and Rhaeto-Romanic melodies expertly with one another.

A family affair

‟Ils Fränzlis” are a family affair – and a delightful Engadin speciality of national fame. Their founder and musical director, clarinettist Domenic Janett, bases “Ils Fränzlis” on the legendary blind violinist Franz Waser, who “rocked” the entire Engadin with his folk music. ‟Ils Fränzlis” have been performing for more than 20 years with a varied cast. Since 2015, the group has been made up of Domenic Janett, Christina Janett, Anna Staschia Janett, Madlaina Janett and Curdin Janett. Two fathers and three daughters. But who belongs to whom?

Domenic Janett

«The most atmospheric stage for our music.»

Lingering musical experiences

“Ils Fränzlis” are just as much a part of the Engadin as the «Wasserzeichen» concerts are a fixture on the Sils cultural summer. Where Nietzsche once wanted to build a hut on the Chastè peninsula, you can now hear sounds of a totally different nature every year at the end of July/beginning of August. The stage on the peninsula accommodates 120 people, making it an exclusive experience. The 30-minute walk to the bay with the floating stage gets the audience in the perfect mood: first they hear the sound of the waves and the forest, then the instruments being tuned and, before they know it, are spellbound by Domenic and his daughter Anna Staschia and Curdin and his daughters Christina and Madlaina. Added to this is the magnificent Engadin evening light show.


  • The Sils «Wasserzeichen»-concerts are performed on a raft on Lake Sils. Visit one of the unique concerts in July: 

Useful links

Event programme Curiously what runs in Sils?

Map of Sils Sils at a glance.

Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin Discover more about the band.

Raft as a bathing oasis The raft provides a perfect sunbathing spot during the day. Enjoy a refreshing dip in Lake Sils.