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Horse-drawn carriage
to Val Fex

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A horse-drawn carriage ride into the Fex Valley is a special way to enjoy nature. Not just for the passengers, but for the coachmen, too. One of these is Luis Manual Machado Ferreira from Portugal. Sils and the Engadin mountains have become his second home.

From the Atlantic to Lake Sils

«A friend told me about the horse-drawn carriages in Sils in the Engadin and that they need skilled coachmen there. And so I made my way from the shores of the Atlantic to the Engadin mountains.» Luis Manuel Machado Ferreira was born in Porto. About seven years ago, he packed his belongings and travelled to Sils. Today he is a qualified coachman. «I learned the horse-drawn carriage trade here. I also started my family here. Sils has become my second home.»

Luis Manuel

«My guests travel like people did a hundred years ago, without an engine, and so enjoy the ride.»

See to the horses first, then breakfast.

«My day starts in the stables. At 6.30am we start feeding and grooming the horses. Then at 8.00am, we have breakfast. Afterwards, it's time to head to the village square, where we pick up our guests. There are two horse-drawn carriage businesses in Sils: the Clalüna and the Coretti families. During the day, we ride up and down between the village square and the Fex Hotel. At around four in the afternoon, we return to the stables and feed the horses. Then we are finished for the day. Every now and then, we do a night ride, where we see all the stars, since there are no street lights in the Fex Valley. It's wonderful.» 

Out and about in the horse omnibus

Luis Manuel Machado Ferreira is happiest in summer when driving the horse omnibus. Unlike the horse-drawn carriages, the horse omnibus has a fixed schedule (only in summer). It also stops in Fex Platta, Fex Crasta and at the Fex Hotel. «The horse omnibus is a five-horse carriage. The passengers come from all walks of life. Two people can also sit next to me on the coach box. We're never short of things to talk and laugh about.» 

Contact and prices

Distances with the horse-drawn carriage

Sils Maria - Fex Platta 15 minutes
Sils Maria - Fex Crasta 30 minutes
Sils Maria - Hotel Fex 50 minutes

Distances on foot Sils  Fex

Sils Maria - Fex Platta 30 - 40 minutes
Sils Maria - Fex Crasta 50 - 60 minutes
Sils Maria - Fex Curtins 1.5  -2 hours
Sils Maria - Alp Muot Selvas 2.5 - 3 hours

Luis Manuel`s tips

  • Night ride under the stars
    «In a two-horse carriage and by prior reservation only. This is an extraordinary experience in summer or winter.»
  • On foot up to the Alp da Segl
    «In summer, take the horse-drawn carriage as far as the Fex Hotel, then walk the short distance to the Alp da Segl, where you can tuck into home-made delicacies. In winter, walk to the Alp Muot Selvas.»
  • Fresh Fex meat
    «There's nothing better than meat directly from the farmer.» List of farmers in Sils
  • Via Gastronomica
    «Take a hike in summer from Furtschellas into the Fex Valley and indulge in the culinary delights en route.» More information

Useful Links

Getting around by real horsepower We lead you safely into the Fex Valley.

Restaurants in the Fex Valley Enjoy wining and dining in the Fex Valley.

Overnight stays in the Fex Valley Views of nature and glaciers guaranteed.

Map of Sils Sils at a glance.

Mountain flowers

Gian Clalüna

When it snows

Herr Lehmann

Horse-drawn carriage

Luis Manuel Machado